HLS streaming is available for both live and historical footage.
For historical footage, the time difference between the end and start should not exceed 3600 seconds (1 hour).
For live footage, set both start and end to 0.
For semi-live footage, the start should be within 5 minutes of the current time, and the end should be set to 0 or any future time, as long as the time window between start and end does not exceed 3600 seconds.
Time values should be in Unix epoch format (milliseconds) and in the UTC timezone.
When the endpoint is first called, the API returns a sessionId. A maximum of 10 sessions can be active at once. To optimize session management, you can reuse the sessionId in subsequent requests.
This reuse helps to maximizes the use of session resources by avoiding new session creation and reaching the limit of sessions.
Learn more.
get https://access.lumana.ai/v1/playback/start